Tuesday, July 10, 2007


For AF. As a teen, I always thought that it was nice that I didn't get AF more than 3 times a year. I didn't have to worry about summer and swimming because I didn't usulay get AF.

Who knew that this would be such a hard thing to deal with as an adult. Now the missing AF is a curse that says that I can't be a mom without help.

I tell you what I'm going to beat this PCOS, I'm not going to let it control me. I know that God has me in his hand and that I will have children when it is his time. I don't feel that I should stop treatments, I know that this is what God wants for us to be doing right now.

I'm working on my diet, taking my Metformin and I will see what God's will has in store for us.

Oh yeah, if you haven't figured it out.... I'm still waiting for AF. It has been 107 days I'm on Provera to start my AF. When you aren't TTC, you don't want AF, when you are trying to get pg you don't want AF, you want BFP. But when you know that you aren't pg, and you want to get on to the next cycle, you just want AF to show her ugly head so that you can get on with everything.

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