Monday, December 31, 2007


298 :) at 15dpo.

I can't believe

After feeling like crap at 10dpo I took a hpt. It was very very faint and I couldn't tell if it was an evaporation line or not. Then at 11dpo there was a very faint pink line. I still convinced myself that I was not pg. Both of the previous test were not FMU. On the morning of 12dpo I used FMU and had a nice BFP. I retested in the afternoon on 13dpo and it was nice and dark.

Now I'm waiting for my BETA test to come back. For now, I'm PREGNANT. I'm praying that it sticks and that we can have a healthy baby around September 7th.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Ultrasound and blood work updates.

Sunday, Dec. 9th

Right 11, 12, 11
Left 12
Lining at a 6
Told to continue 112.5iu GonalF

Wednesday Dec. 12th
Right 15, 17, 18
Left 15, 17
Lining at a 9
Reduce GonalF to 75iu

Friday, Dec. 14th
Right 18, 19, 20
Left 18
Lining at a 11
Trigger that night.

I'm shocked and amazed. The dr said everything looked perfect especially with my pcos. He said it multiple times that everything looks great and that I couldn't ask for a better cycle.

Now we just do our thing and hand it to God. This is our journey with God and now we must hand it over and trust him. It isn't easy, but I know that there is nothing else that I can do. All I want is His will to be done.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gave myself my first ever injection. It wasn't too bad. Pretty easy and pretty painless. I don't know how I'd feel if I had a bigger needle.

I'm pretty proud of myself. I did it all on my own and didn't get too shaky.

Here we go, we are off for our TTC adventure. As soon as I O, I can say this was the first time I've ever Oed. :)

I'm excited to know what blessings are going to follow.

Monday, December 3, 2007

CD3 Blood Work and Ultra Sound

Everything went great today. My ultrasound showed a good lining and the only cysts are my little PCOS ones.

My blood work came back great too. My Estrogen number and FSH number was great. I'm so excited. I'm nervous because I feel like I'm waiting for something to go wrong. How do I enjoy this time? I don't know.

I'm on PNV, Met, Femara 2.5mg(cd3-7), GonalF 100IU(cd5-?). I go back in on Sunday for b/w and u/s. I hope that all of my follies will look great when I go in.

I need to call my drs office and see what time of day to take the GonalF.

I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Here we go

Today is Dec 2nd and it is also cd2. I go in first thing in the morning for my u/s and bw. I had to explain it to my boss and she was very understanding. I'm going to be late for work and someone is covering my class until I can get there. I feel bad, but my boss said to do what I need to do.

As long as everything looks good tomorrow, this cycle will be the first oportunity for Dh and I to become pg. I know we will still only have a 25% chance of getting pg like everyone else. We could have some really good news on Christmas day, or we could be faced with a BFN. I'm thinking positive and that everything will work out great this cycle.

It is all in God's hands.