Monday, December 31, 2007

I can't believe

After feeling like crap at 10dpo I took a hpt. It was very very faint and I couldn't tell if it was an evaporation line or not. Then at 11dpo there was a very faint pink line. I still convinced myself that I was not pg. Both of the previous test were not FMU. On the morning of 12dpo I used FMU and had a nice BFP. I retested in the afternoon on 13dpo and it was nice and dark.

Now I'm waiting for my BETA test to come back. For now, I'm PREGNANT. I'm praying that it sticks and that we can have a healthy baby around September 7th.


Meghan said...

Congrats!!! Happy new year to you!!!! Hoping for a nice high number!

Ariella said...

Congrats! Happy New year!!! What a wonderful way to end 2007 and bring in the new year! no drinking for you tonight ;)