Saturday, December 15, 2007


Ultrasound and blood work updates.

Sunday, Dec. 9th

Right 11, 12, 11
Left 12
Lining at a 6
Told to continue 112.5iu GonalF

Wednesday Dec. 12th
Right 15, 17, 18
Left 15, 17
Lining at a 9
Reduce GonalF to 75iu

Friday, Dec. 14th
Right 18, 19, 20
Left 18
Lining at a 11
Trigger that night.

I'm shocked and amazed. The dr said everything looked perfect especially with my pcos. He said it multiple times that everything looks great and that I couldn't ask for a better cycle.

Now we just do our thing and hand it to God. This is our journey with God and now we must hand it over and trust him. It isn't easy, but I know that there is nothing else that I can do. All I want is His will to be done.


Meghan said...

Good luck!!!

Joy said...

hope things are going well..