Monday, December 3, 2007

CD3 Blood Work and Ultra Sound

Everything went great today. My ultrasound showed a good lining and the only cysts are my little PCOS ones.

My blood work came back great too. My Estrogen number and FSH number was great. I'm so excited. I'm nervous because I feel like I'm waiting for something to go wrong. How do I enjoy this time? I don't know.

I'm on PNV, Met, Femara 2.5mg(cd3-7), GonalF 100IU(cd5-?). I go back in on Sunday for b/w and u/s. I hope that all of my follies will look great when I go in.

I need to call my drs office and see what time of day to take the GonalF.

I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time.