Bekah is 2lb 15 oz and is measuring in the 60th %
Billy is 3lb and is measuring in the 63rd %
It was so much fun watching them move around, I'm so in love with my kids.
I have a good friend of mine that is getting ready to start a GonalF cycle, they have been trying for about 4 years. I'm praying that this will be it. They have done clomid, iuis and even IVF, but their insurance changed, so they are taking a step back and trying inj again (has pcos and now on Met). They are praying her egg quality will be better and be successful.
Please remember them in your prayers.
I'm hoping that everything is Ok with ya'll. I've been reading your blog for awhile and checked and you've not updated in awhile. I'm praying that those babies are just fine.
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