Sunday, March 23, 2008

A year ago

A year ago today, I remember waking up and being disappointed because another cycle of trying to add to our family had failed. I was crushed, and my heart ached. I didn't know how much longer I could do it.

Now I sit here today, so much to be thankful for. I have two healthy babies on the way, and a year from now, we will be sharing their first Easter. 

There has been so many holidays that I have felt the disappointment of not being pg(Thanksgiving 06, Christmas 06, Mother's and Father's day 07, Easter 07, Thanksgiving 07 and somewhat Christmas 07). I knew in my heart that I was pg Christmas 07, but I didn't want to believe it until I knew for sure. Then I didn't want to believe it until I saw the hb, and even after I saw both hb, I was still scared. I knew that I was still at risk for m/c and that IF had really put the fear into me. 

IF has changed me. I sit and smile as my little ones wiggle around inside me. I'm so thankful that I have two blessings on the way and that they are healthy as far as we know. I know that I will look at life and my children in a different life. IF has changed who I am and how I think about life. I'm thankful for what I have learned through this experience, and happy that I can put it in my past. I am so blessed. 

If you want to check up on my pregnancy and family, feel free to check our Family blog

Monday, March 17, 2008


I'm sorry it has been a while since I've updated. We have been posting all of our pregnancy updates on our other blog feel free to check it out to see my belly growing. I still can't believe that I'm pg. DH told me that I should get used to it because I'm already 15w and before I know it I will have our twins in my arms. 

I still can't believe how awesome God is and that he has blessed us with twins. We know that there will be many adjustments and life will never be the same. We will have in our arms what we have dreamed for all of our lives A FAMILY. 

We are so blessed. We continue to pray for all of our friends and family that are going through IF and that God will bless you in his time.

God Bless